Hey, that's not funny, bro. My dad died in 9/11. |
Dear Kathryn Bigelow,
One of the few popular criticisms of Zero Dark Thirty is that it just might go on a little too long. I kind of agree. I think it was about two hours too long. I think I could have watched Zero Dark Thirty for thirty-seven minutes and been at least mildly entertained.
In reality, I think my enthusiasm lasted about fifteen minutes. The opening torture sequence, while not particularly engaging, set the stage well. A CIA agent tortures a captive, says, "dude", "bro", and "man" a whole lot, and we've got the opening to our story. At least it was a scene. The scene began, the scene developed, the scene ended. It wasn't a particularly excellent scene. There weren't really any lines of dialogue or deep thoughts to take from it, but it told a story. It began a plot. And then, the rest of the movie happened.